— Bespoke Branding For Nordic Ecofeminist Founders

Table Of Contents

1.1 Let’s do better, and let’s use it for (the) good.

1.2 Fight The New Drug.

1.3 Stop Hurting Girls And Women (WAVE Organization).

1.4 Where It Hurts The Most (End FGM Europe).

1.5 Founders note about ‘Mental Circumcision’.

1.6 Lets co-create.

Thank you so much for your precious time, trust and attention. Every single offering from Storm + Norð is meticulously made with a humble hope to better the balance in a highly imbalanced world. Paradoxically, in an apparently disconnected world, we are all interconnected somehow. When we decide to enter our path inwards and to make conscious decisions for the future, and when we do the inner work of exploring, embracing, and embodying our full potency and power, we enable ourselves to live in a more wild, wise and viable way. On this path we naturally start to deeply care for all beings and for Mother Earth. Thus, our personal healing and strength is universal. If we, as human beings, wish to continue to live and breathe on this planet, we need the powerful potential of feminine wisdom rising for the future.

Starting right now.

Storm + Norð supports female pleasure, power, and potential rising for the future. Life on this planet might depend on it. How we respect and honour feminine qualities within all of us, truly interconnects with how we grace Mother Earth and the cyclic wisdom of her nature.

1.1 Let’s Do Better & Let’s Use It For (The) Good

We can´t go on dominating, fighting, and pushing linear solutions to solve circular, cyclic problems. This has been a fight for aeons, and we are still exploring how to be and to do better, cultivating a loving relationship with Mother Nature and the mysterious mass of cells, we have named “the body”. Grateful, I am still here; I just want to contribute and use it for (the) good. Donations for offerings and activities are shared equally and passed forward to the following organizations:

1.2 Fight The New Drug

A research-based organization, raising awareness on pornography and its various harmful effects and negative impacts on individuals and relationships, using only science, facts, and personal accounts. I grew up in a male-pleasing culture, and with porn as the only sexual framework, used to set expectations. This means that mindless, friction-based, goal-oriented penetration always – and with no exceptions – was a self-written act of sexual play. Looking back, remembering the days in bed with ongoing ‘honeymoon cystitis’, feeling into the various ways, I have endured the pain related to penetration, I feel my entire energy system contracts. 15 years old I got ‘the pill’, and from that day on, I belonged to the tribe of the perpetual penetrable. (I mean, even a deer has a hunting season, right?). In addition to the physical harm I endured, I wasn´t aware of the psychological side-effects: How porn can normalize sexual objectification. Research indicates that consuming porn can normalize sexual objectification, which can have profound consequences in the ways porn consumers view and treat others as non-human objects.
I didn´t know any better back then, but I wish for future generations to be aware of the dangers of porn. Fight The New Drug is a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals with the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness of its harmful effects using science, facts, and personal stories.

1.3 Stop Hurting Girls & Women

WAVE – A network of over 150 European women’s NGOs working towards the prevention and protection of women and children from violence. Already as a teenager, I was a compulsive over-achiever. Always smiling. At the same time, I learned how to please men. Actually, I was told, I was damn good at it! And don´t we all just want to do stuff, we are really good at? Especially as an insecure teenager? That said, my ‘success’ brought me a lot of unpleasant experiences, and I totally lost the connection to my body. One day I woke up lying on a cold retro tile floor with a raging man´s hands around my neck. I was paralyzed and scared to death. This dangerous, toxic relationship continued for 5 years. During that time I became an expert in hiding the truth, and my lies were so convincing, that I even convinced myself, this was not happening to me! However, at some point, I started to wonder: ‘What is wrong with me? What are the root causes of my tendency to attract and stay in violence and harm? Why do I disrespect myself and my precious life?’ Those questions probably saved my life. Naturally, one of the main causes close to my heart is speaking out loud about domestic violence and supporting WAVE. Wave is an organization working against violence and promoting the human rights of women and children.

1.4 Where It Hurts The Most

The End FGM European Network (End FGM EU) is a European umbrella organization of 30 national NGOs working to ensure sustainable European action to end Female Genital Mutilation. Supporting the organization End FGM (End Female Genital Mutilation) is more than a good cause. It changes the world 1 step, 1 girl, 1 woman at a time. From a broader perspective, I trust in female pleasure, power, and potential rising for the future. Our continuous living and breathing on this planet might depend on it. Furthermore, the natural benefits arising from sensual pleasure and orgasms were backed up by science decades ago, but we really don´t need science to prove, that sexual, sensual pleasure is a true, totally free, DIY shortcut to enhance our capacity to access our full potency and potential for healing and power. We just have to remind ourselves: We are #justmadeofit.

1.5 Thoughts About MENTAL Circumcision

While some cultures try to control and dominate female pleasure and power through physical manifestation by cutting female genitals with a knife, (personally, I find it very hard to even imagine the pain of the victims), in our Western culture, many girls are, what I define as: “mentally circumcised”. Until now, generations of Western girls have learned not to “go there”. Sexual, sensual self-pleasure has been an overwhelming shameful experience for so many girls and women. For aeons female bodies have been promotoed for mens pleasure only.

1.6 Lets co-create

Let´s co-create and inspire each other for future generations of boys and girls to grow up with higher awareness. Let´s help each other explore, embrace, and embody our full potency and power, in order to transform the underlying historical, cultural, and social motivation for hurting girls, where it hurts the most. And let´s shine a light on paths less travelled, going beyond the physical and psychological limitations, we were taught until now. May it benefit the most.

Ene Storm, Founder Of Storm + Norð ©